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muvee Reveal X v9.0.1.20258 build 2570 (ML/RUS/2011) Категория: Главная
26 сентября 2011 | Просмотров: 75 | Автор: kopterka |
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muvee Reveal X v9.0.1.20258 build 2570 (ML/RUS/2011)

muvee Reveal Х - программа которая предназначена для создания, редактирования и обработки видео. muvee Reveal X обладает широким функционалом который характерен для профессиональных редакторов и позволяет добавлять на видео спецэффекты, анимированные переходы, заголовки, текст и сохранять готовые фильмы в большинство популярных видеоформатов (AVCHD, AVI, DV-AVI, H.264, MOV, MOV-HD, MP4, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, WMV, WMV-HD), записывать ролики на DVD или публиковать их на Facebook и YouTube.

Все операции по созданию видео предельно упрощены - пользователю нужно лишь указать программе картинки, исходные видеоролики и выбрать один из встроенных стилей оформления будущего фильма. Кроме того, приложение позволяет снабжать видео собственными голосовыми комментариями, импортировать изображения и видео с камер (в т.ч. - HD).

Что нового в Muvee Reveal X?
- Новые последовательности надписей
- Новые последовательности анимации текста
- Больше возможностей, больше контроля, лучше фильмы
- Улучшение качества аудио из видео-клипов
- Обновленныия и преобразования
- Все стили были обновлены.
- Новые последовательности видео и текстовые эффекты

HD Movie making made easy! Turn photos and videos into entertaining movies. Easy user interface at first glance, but powerful features beneath. Comes with 6 awesome Styles that include Hollywood-quality themes, effects, transitions and text animation sequences.

Movie Making in 3 Steps
In a few clicks, pump up your home video to awesome movies. muvee Reveal X video editing software comes complete with professional effects, transitions, great looking Titles, Credits, Captions and everything in between. Yes, it’s that easy and YOU can look like a Pro! First, just select your photos and video, then select a Style. Just Preview and hit Save. You can then save your movie and share it anywhere, burn a DVD or upload to YouTube. You can even personalize your videos by adding Opening Titles, Closing Credits, Captions (or some call it subtitles) to the videos or photos.

No Film School Cred Required
muvee’s Style themes help you focus on telling your story. With 6 Styles to choose from, tell your story without having to learn fancy editing techniques. We’ve done it all for you!
Our Styles take care of putting in the professional effects, transitions, text animations and all the fine subtle techniques that film experts use. Don’t tinker with a toolbox of effects, transitions, color filters and timelines! We hired the film school geeks to help you so you can focus on living life and capturing those special moments, writing your script, and choosing a Style theme to showcase your story. After all, you paid for the software, why should you still have to do all the work?

Titles and Credits
Not only can you use our default background video and graphic templates, but you can also replace it with your own.

Each Style has special caption fonts to match the theme, along with subtle Captions animations.

Style Settings
Each Style has its own unique set of behaviors you can adjust. From Pacing of the Style, to how sensitive to music it should be, to even what Scrapbook backgrounds you want.

Put them all Together
Easily piece together your life’s story from photos and videos captured on any device. Whether from shoot-from-the-hip smartphones, handy HD camcorder or spanking new SLR, bring it all together with muvee Reveal X to tell your amazing story.

muvee Reveal X allows you to import photos and videos from multiple cameras. Even if each source comes in different formats, sizes, aspect ratios (that is 16:9 wide screen, or the traditional 4:3 like a 4X10 photo), it doesn’t matter. muvee Reveal X makes it easy to bring it all together to make movie magic!

Save in any Popular Format
Whether an email-friendly file or eye-popping HD, muvee Reveal X provides several options to show off your movie making skills. muvee Reveal X allows you to burn a DVD, or export your movie in all the popular formats: MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H264 (720P and 1080P), WMV, MOV, AVI

Talks to iTunes
muvee Reveal X will prepare the final video file to share on your iPad/iPhone. It will also launch iTunes and populate your movie so that the next time you connect your iOS device, it will automatically sync your movie with the device. You can also share it online with the world on YouTube, with your friends on Facebook, or just to your inner circle of BFFs on muvee Cloud, your personal sharing space just for muvee users.

What’s new in muvee Reveal X?
- New Captions, Intertitles and Text Animation Sequences
muvee Reveal X now offers Intertitles - blank title slides that you can place in between your photos and videos - to help define chapters within your movie-story. Place an Intertitle before the highlights of each day of your 10 day trip, or highlight each game of your kid’s soccer season. Intertitles come with cool new text animations with their own entry and exit sequences. Captions have also been improved to include support for two-line Headlines and Subtext. Now you are better able to emphasize your messages.

- Boost the soundtrack of any video clip
You really want to have that cool new music track drive most of your video, but you wanna hear the Best-man’s speech? Now you can! Using the "Clip video into segments" or "Clip video here" feature, you can isolate the video segment where the Best-man delivered his speech. Then go to that clip, and check "Boost Audio". It’s that easy!

- Comes with Licensed Music
Ever wondered which music track would pair well with that Style? We hand-picked music for you! We have cleared all licensing requirements so you can safely post your movies anywhere!

- Comes with Fonts
We hired a renown typography artist to select and design fonts to esthetically match each Style.

- Styles re-Styled
Each Style for muvee Reveal X has been refreshed and transformed by adding text animation, and even some with additional video and graphics content.
Select Styles even feature actual video scenes taken by our fans and our CEO from their travels from Tahoe to Mexico. Look out for 3D particle sequence loops to give that extra boost to some of the recent Styles.

- Updated Social Media video posting tools
We have updated our uploading capabilities for YouTube and Facebook to support their 720P resolution streaming service. Saving on the iPhone4 and iPad will also be in 720P H264, with iTunes integration for auto-syncing to your favorite iOS devices.

Информация о программе
Название: muvee Reveal X
Версия: build 2570
Год выпуска: 2011
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: multilingual (в т.ч. русский)
Лекарство: patch
Размер: 94.9 Mb

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