Artist: Linkin Park Album: Minutes to Midnight Label: Warner Bros. Playtime: 82:22 min Genre: Rock URL: Rip date: 2007-03-11 Release date: 2007-05-15 Size: 115 MB Quality: VBR kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo Track List: 1. stand. 2. Bleed It Out 3. Get Through 4. What I've Done 5. In This World 6. The Little Things Give You Away 7. Hold Nothing Back 8. Over The Top 9. Prommise 10. Real Life 11. Afraid This Time 12. 2.World 13. Until The End 14. Collapsing The Unit 15. We Use the Pain 16. One Perfect Something + Bonus Tracks 17. No Way! 18. Feel (demo'01) 19. Screaming at Space 20. [Qwerty] (Live Sommer Sonic '06) Скачать